5 Wedding Favours That Can Help Charities

Weddings are claimed to be the most expensive day of your life! Wedding favours are a small detail of your big day but they can be just as meaningful as the grand gestures.

Many charities now offer wedding favours and we have compiled 5 of the best ideas for wedding favours that can help charities.

Charity Pins

Many charities now offer pin badges that are especially aimed at being a memorable and meaningful keepsake. Cancer Research operate a wedding favour scheme, where for a suggested donation you can order exclusive professionally designed badges along with personalised cards for your guest tables. The badges offered are classy and well made, as well as being a long-term keepsake. It is rare for any family to not have a loved one affected by cancer so this option can be meaningful to you, your partner and your guests.

Themed Gifts

Charities have diversified their gift shops profoundly over the last 10 years and now provide wonderful options for the couple wishing to make a heartfelt statement with their wedding favours. The British Heart Foundation have a range of affordable themed heart shaped gifts, such as heart shaped tins of mints, bath bombs and heart shaped packs of wild flower seeds (http://giftshop.bhf.org.uk/our-picks/wedding-ideas/heart-themed.html), for those wanting their guests to take home physical gifts.

Save A Life

As weddings are a celebration of love and new beginnings, sometimes the most profound gift that you can present to your guests is the gift of life. UNICEF has an incredible range of life saving wedding favours that can be bought in packs of 10 or 50. These include measles vaccines, mosquito nets, peanut paste, school equipment and safe drinking water. The packs come with appropriate notecards, explaining on one side the gift that has been given and the other side blank so you can include a personalised message.

Favour Boxes

You may have already meticulously planned your wedding day favours but would still like to include something charitable. Some charities offer a wedding favour box service, so you can still give the favours you planned but present them in a way that still provides a donation. The Make A Wish Foundation supplies special wedding favour boxes, in a classic cream and gold emblazoned with their logo so your guests will be aware of the donation. The Make A Wish Foundation grants special wishes to those between the ages of 3-17 with life threatening conditions, so on your special day you can contribute to a once in a lifetime experience for a child and their family, giving the gift of a lasting memory whilst you create your own.

Activity Favours

If you are looking for a wedding favour that will keep your guests busy at the tables, then many charities offer fun puzzles that are small enough to be used as wedding favours. The RSPCA have “wooden wrigglers”, a set of three moving puzzles that can be fun and safe for all ages. They come in sets of 3 so are good for a low budget plus a fun brainteaser for all those around the table.

Overall, charitable wedding favours can be a meaningful and lasting addition to any big day. With such a huge range of charities and gift shops becoming ever improved, you can incorporate any charity that has personal meaning to you and your family into your big day, adding a personal thought out touch that will always be remembered.

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